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Hotel Rakovec


Hotel Rakovec
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Description:Rakovec Hotel is located on the right bank of the Brno dam. The hotel is recommended for recreational trips, but will not be disappointed with the conference participants, which can be arranged at our hotel.
Location:The hotel is situated in a quiet recreational area of Brno. The tourist activities are available nearby castle Veveří. The hotel surroundings are cycling, hiking and water sports, as the hotel is located only 30 meters from the dam.
Accommodation:Rooms are of type double. Possibility of use by one person. Rooms are equipped with luxury bathroom with shower, toilet, TV with remote control, desk and chairs.
Board:Opening Hours Our restaurant is from 11.30 to 22.00. We provide a full board. A rich selection of dishes from the menu. We offer dishes of meat, fish, vegetarian menu and grilled specialties. Terrace offers a nice outdoor seating for 80 people overlooking the dam.

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